I spoke to you and you didn't answer
I kissed you and you didn't feel it
I cried and you didn't see it
I leaned towards you
I wanted to feel you in my arms
But it was like I wasn't even there
You dodged my kisses
You refused my caress
And I didn't understand why
You always acted as if I,
Your forever love, was absent
But I wanted to tell you
"Look at me, I'm right here"
I spoke to you and you ignored me
I said I loved you and you didn't listen
I saw you so very sad
A gray cloud hung over you
And I couldn't help you!
I sat next to you and you cried
Like I've never seen you cry before
Your pain was so deep!
My kiss on your forehead made you shiver
I helped you getting comfortable underneath the blanket
And you continued your anguish
I begged you to explain
The reason to your sadness
I thought I had done something wrong
But how could I be sure?
When you finally fell asleep
Without saying a word
I started to feel what tormented you
I was ravaged with so much pain
I realized you were dreaming about me
And while I was rising above you on my way over to the sky
I saw my body next to you
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